Hey, guys! So, yeah, the title explains itself. You know, I think that I always knew what I wanted to become when I grew up. I definitely wanted to be an artist, of any kind. But recently, while watching so many individual animations (mainly Domics which is, obviously, an inspiration for me) and some cartoons (mainly the 30s ones because they are freaking awesome), I've decided myself. I want to be an Animator!
And I know it'll not be easy. There are many other people out there following the same path as I do. That's why I'm forcing myself to have more willpower to do it. Even though it takes a lot of time - mainly because I still am at school and I do have some other activities out of it most of the week - and effort, it makes me happy.
So if it happens that you like my stuff, if you admire my animations and if you think I have enough potential to become someone, please, consider following me on my Youtube channel:
It really means a lot to me right now and I promise, I'll not disappoint you guys
-Sincerely, Jam.
and i want a pretty pink birthday cake with my face on it, but that doesn't mean it's gonna happen